Providing Educational Activities for Children

Gabriela saved three lei for a doll. She made this plan at the financial education workshop at the Carani Community Center, part of the Education Community Change Center program implemented by United Way Romania and Globalworth Foundation. Other children had other wishes: a phone, a Barbie doll, a football, a soccer ball, a pony. Each child wrote their wish on a piece of paper and estimated the time it would take them to raise the money for their wish. The children participated actively, and volunteers led multiple activities that encouraged them to think with a financial mindset.

Each week, the Community Center in Carani organizes activities to prevent school dropout and create a network of children, parents, and teachers.

“We do activities in a more playful, more interesting way than at school to increase their motivation to learn. We also reach the career guidance component; we make trips, theater, dance, sports. I went, for example, with all the children from Timiș to a company for fire prevention. They taught them to do resuscitation maneuvers, what to do in case of fire, and how to use the fire extinguisher,” explains area manager Ada Gabor.

Education Community Change Center is one of United Way Romania’s main educational programs. It supports 12 community centers established by United Way Romania.

In the 12 community centers in Urlați, Fundulea, Băicoi, Jilava, Pădureni, Cluj-Napoca (Pata-Rât), Timișoara (School no. 20) and 5 communes in Timiș County (Sânandrei, Mașloc, Carani, Șemlacu Mare and Bucovăț ), 2,700 children, 2,160 parents and 540 teachers are involved. Since the program began 5 years ago, they’ve conduced over 1,700 educational activities.

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